Auction Registration

Monday Entries - Sheep

Entries are taken up to 5.00PM on the Friday of the previous week.  

Tuesday Entries - Weanling Bulls, Weanling Heifers, Calves, Runners, Suckler Stock, Dairy Stock, Breeding Bulls.

Entries are taken from Monday morning up to 5.00PM on the Wednesday of the previous week. Cattle entered after this deadline will not be included in the draw.  A draw will take place at 10.30am on the day of the sale to determine the 1st pen of weanling bulls, weanling heifers and calves to be sold.  If the number drawn is equal to or below half the number of pens entered, we go down to pen 1 and then up.  If the number drawn is above half the number of pens entered, we go up to the last pen in the draw, then start at pen 1 and up to the number drawn.

As always Calves, Runners (Only Stock 6 months or under will be sold in the Runner Section and they will be sold after the Calves).

Thursday Entries - Cull Cows, Heifers & Aged Bulls

Entries are taken from Thursday morning prior to the sale up to 5.00pm FRIDAY. Cattle entered after this deadline will not be included in the draw. On the day of the sale a draw will take place at 10.00am to determine the 1st pen of cull cows to be sold. If the number drawn is equal to or below half the number of pens entered, we go down to pen 1 and then up.  If the number drawn is above half the number of pens entered, we go up to the last pen in the draw, then start at pen 1 and up to the number drawn.  A draw will also take place to determine the 1st pen of heifers to be sold.   

Friday Entries - Bullocks

Entries are taken from Thursday morning prior to the sale up to 5.00pm FRIDAY. Cattle entered after this deadline will not be included in the draw. On the day of the sale a draw will take place at 10.00am to determine the 1st pen of cull cows to be sold. If the number drawn is equal to or below half the number of pens entered, we go down to pen 1 and then up.  If the number drawn is above half the number of pens entered, we go up to the last pen in the draw, then start at pen 1 and up to the number drawn.  

Day of the Sale/Penning Cattle

Clare Marts Ltd. encourages all seller's to pen their cattle early to allow potential buyers time to view all the lots.


Enter your livestock online for Clare Marts covering Munster Region and our Irish Livestock Auctions

Booking Online coming soon

You will shortly be able to book your stock online with us for early reservation. Terms & Conditions apply.